At the Veterinary Doctor´s office Establiments we offer the following services:
- General Medicine, Preventive and Geriatric.
Vaccination of puppys and yearly reinforcements.
Passports and Microchip identifications.
Internal disparasitations.
External disparasitations.
Travel Certificates.
Certificates for so called "Dangerous races".
- Surgery: Abdominal, Castrations, Sterilization, Vasectomies, Breast Tumors, Caesareans, Matrix infections and others.
Dental Cleaning and extractions.
- Revisions, checkings and controls.
- Leishmaniosis prevention and treatments.
- Feeding
Specific Nutrition for your pet´s life stage.
Diets and weight controls.
Medicines and accesories.
(In Establiments and sorrounding areas, previous appointment)
- Urgencies 24 horas/365 days a year.(*)
(*) Services sendered at associated centres.
- Hairdressing education at domicile. (www.metrodogs.es) T: 661 089 366
Canine education at domicile.(www.jose-arce.com)
Canine and feline residence.(**)
(**) Services rendered by external collaborators.
- Project elaboration and discharge for Zoologic Nucleuses, as well as introduction and pursit of preventive medical programs at said nucleuses.
- Veterinary assistance to animal breeders and protectionists
- Counseling in animal adoption.
- Veterinary expert. (insurance)
- Collaborating Veterinarian in sanitary control for sacrifazing campaigns of pigs for human private consumption (Trichinella/Triquinosis)
- Video conference service with our client thru Skype
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